
Welcome to With Delusion of Grace! My name is Christine and I will be your blogger this evening.

The original purpose of this blog was this:

Remember the time when women were mysterious, and elegant and full of grace? No, me neither. But I’ve seen it in movies, I’ve read about it books, I know it used to exist. There was a sense of grace, of elegance, sophistication,  that has been lost with time. This is what I, personally, want to reclaim. A sense of grace.

Gross. That’s not what this blog is about, at least not anymore. Really, it has become more about book reviews, and crochet, and crafting and sometimes personal journey stuff. Really it is just me, with my hand in the air saying “Hey look at me, I’m here too!”

Like my blog? Cool.

Don’t like it? Then get out. Just get out of here. or stay. do what you want, I don’t care.

That’s me.

Later Days,





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